Airport to Purchase New Firefighting Truck

Airport to Purchase New Firefighting Truck

Press Release

CORPUS CHRISTI -  The Corpus Christi City Council approved the purchase of a new Aircraft Rescue Firefighting (ARFF) truck for Corpus Christi International Airport (CCIA). The new ARFF truck will modernize CCIA’s emergency response fleet and help the airport stay in compliance with federal regulations. The new truck will replace one that is 19 years old.

The funding for the over $860,000 rescue apparatus comes from federal grant funds in the amount of $692,000 and $168,000 from the City’s Airport revenue.

Federal regulations dictate CCIA must have and maintain aircraft rescue firefighting equipment and must have certified firefighters on the airfield 24 hours a day. As part of the airport Public Safety Division, CCIA’s firefighters also are cross trained as Emergency Medical Technicians.  Some are also certified Peace Officers. Public Safety Officers at CCIA work solely at the airport to help maintain a safe and secure environment for travelers, tenants and employees. 

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