Drought Contingency Plan
Press Release
Photo by Larry D. Moore
CORPUS CHRISTI – The combined capacity at Lake Corpus Christi and Choke Canyon Reservoir has fallen below 40%. In accordance with the City’s 2018 Drought Contingency Plan (DCP), the following Stage 1 – Mild Water Shortage Watch conservation actions are effective immediately:
Residents can use their irrigation system once a week, on resident’s trash collection day, before 10 a.m. and after 6 p.m.
Hand watering is allowed on any day using a shut off nozzle.
Foundations can be watered once a week with a hose or drip irrigation.
During Stage 1, commercial car washes and landscape nurseries are not impacted.
The City encourages residents to follow these water-wise conservation measures:
Avoid water run-off on streets and sidewalks
Check for water leaks around your home
Wash full loads in your laundry and dishwasher
A little bit goes a long way. To learn more about water conservation and find other helpful resources, visit cctexas.com/conserve.
To report water violations, visit the City’s website at www.cctexas.com and click on the “report” tab or contact the Water Hotline at (361) 826-1600.