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Heartland District Honor Leadership of the Coastal Bend Civitan Club

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By Menda Eulenfeld, STCN

KINGSVILLE - When her water broke at 16 weeks pregnant, Melissa Saenz knew immediately that something was not right. Saenz was rushed to the hospital where she was informed that her daughter most likely would not survive. Despite the grave prognosis, Eyla was born at 26 weeks. She weighed only 1 pound, 9 ounces and was 12 inches long. Being born prematurely, Eyla's body was severely underdeveloped. "She could fit into your hands," Saenz said.

Eyla was diagnosed with autism, having a severe developmental delay, and Chronic Lung Disease. 

Eyla Saenz at 26 weeks - Submitted photo.

A few years later, Saenz was asked to be a guest speaker at the Coastal Bend Civitan club in Kingsville to talk about having a child with special abilities. “When I read the creed, I was so touched by the words that I joined Civitan that night,” Saenz explained.

The mission of Civitan is to serve individuals and the community with an emphasis on helping people with developmental disabilities. “I felt supported with my fellow Civitans,” Saenz continued, “because the club’s mission is to make the world a better place for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.”

From left - Rick Saenz, Eyla Saenz, Emilisa Saenz, Elyse Saenz, Melissa Saenz, Eli Saenz - Submitted photo.

With the support from the Coastal Bend Civitan club, Saenz was able to help lead the group in a number of community projects including sponsoring lettermen jackets for students lettering in Special Olympics, providing All-Access Swings to local parks, building a ramp for a member of the community, and providing Christmas presents to a special needs class at a local elementary school.

“Our biggest accomplishment as a club is our ability to work together and come up with ideas that we can expand on and bring to fruition”, Saenz remarked.

Under Melissa’s leadership, the Coastal Bend Civitan club also hosted a “Very Merry Christmas” party and a “Hippity Hoppity Easter” event. Both events were geared toward children with special abilities.

Because of the leadership that Saenz demonstrated, she was awarded the Heartland District, now Region 7, Outstanding Club President Award at the last Civitan International Heartland banquet in Bartlesville, Oklahoma.

Melissa Saenz at the Heartland District banquet in Bartlesville, Oklahoma - Submitted photo by Cece Cox.

When Saenz has a moment, she writes in a journal about Eyla's progress. Eyla, who is a happy and active child, will be six years old this October.

"One day, I'll let her read the journal," Saenz added, "She's a miracle baby."

Eyla Sanez, age 5 - Submitted photo.

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