Off-Duty USBP Agent Stops Knife-Wielding Suspect
U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Another off-duty law enforcement officer observed the situation and stepped in to assist the agent. With an agent and officer now present, the man complied with instructions, dropping his knife.
SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA (News Release) - An off-duty U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) agent apprehended a man on July 19 who was charging towards civilians with a large fixed-blade knife.
The incident occurred at approximately 7:30 p.m. when a USBP agent and his girlfriend left a restaurant in downtown San Diego. As he did so, he observed a man who was slashing a knife through the air and advancing toward bystanders.
The agent quickly instructed everyone to clear the area and asked his girlfriend to notify 9-1-1. The agent then drew a personally owned firearm and identified himself as a law enforcement officer. Instructing the man to drop his knife, the man ignored the agent’s request.
Another off-duty law enforcement officer observed the situation and stepped in to assist the agent. With an agent and officer now present, the man complied with instructions, dropping his knife. The agent and officer detained the man until San Diego Police officers arrived and took custody.
“As sworn public servants, Border Patrol agents are never really off-duty,” said Chief Patrol Agent Aaron Heitke. “This agent’s actions embody CBP core values – Vigilance, Integrity, and Service to Country. I am proud of his bravery and composure under pressure.”