Agents searched the rail cars and discovered several illegal migrants attempting to conceal themselves within the rail cars.
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Agents searched the rail cars and discovered several illegal migrants attempting to conceal themselves within the rail cars.
Gov. Greg Abbott says the line of law enforcement and military vehicles is stopping migrants from crossing the Rio Grande into Del Rio, where the number of migrants camped under a bridge keeps dropping.
Gov. Greg Abbott said Texas was stepping up to do the federal government’s job after Biden’s immigration policies had “opened the floodgates” to illegal immigration and crime.
Agents moved 3,300 of the migrants as of Sunday. That left more than 12,000 people still waiting to be processed.
Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol agents rescued a group of illegal migrants from a swarm of bees near Penitas.
The large number of expulsions during the pandemic has contributed to a larger-than-usual number of migrants making multiple border crossing attempts.
During the pursuit, a grey Chevrolet pickup truck overtook the agent’s vehicle, slowed down directly in front of the Border Patrol vehicle in attempts to impede agents.
Agents arrest two migrants with heinous criminal convictions over the weekend.
Kingsville Border Patrol agents were led on two vehicle pursuits, one, resulted in the rescue of two migrants from the trunk of a car.
Agents assigned to the Eagle Pass South Station encountered two children abandoned in the Rio Grande River near Eagle Pass.
Rio Grande Valley Border Patrol Sector agents interdicted three narcotic smuggling attempts worth more than $1.3 million.
Agents responded and determined the child to be an unaccompanied juvenile migrant from El Salvador.
The state is expected to award the contract in mid-September to begin the construction of a Texas-Mexico border wall.
RGV agents continue arresting migrants with severe criminal history and or gang affiliation.
The woman ran approximately 50 feet and subsequently fell from a 20-foot cliff in the darkness.
Border wall opponents say President Joe Biden broke his promise to halt border wall construction when Homeland Security started building a wall and calling it a levee.
Kingsville Border Patrol Station agents received notification of a rescue beacon activation by a lost subject near Kingsville.
The seizure occurred on Thursday, August 26th, at the Juarez-Lincoln Bridge, when a CBP officer referred a 2015 Ford Transit 470E for a secondary examination.
The legislation needs one more vote of approval from the House before moving to the Senate.
Border Patrol agents apprehend multiple individuals attempting to hide on train railcars as they traveled further into the United States.