Phase 3 of the Airport Road project is set to begin on Tuesday, June 25.
All in Traffic
Phase 3 of the Airport Road project is set to begin on Tuesday, June 25.
The following roadways are still closed due to high water on the roadway:
Bishop Public Works crews have placed barricades up in the area of Birch Street and E. 9th Street, due to flooding near Caretta Creek.
An 18 wheeler traveling north on FM 136 collided with a silver Honda traveling south on FM 136.
Beginning Monday, May 20, the intersection at Everhart Road and Staples Street will be closed to all traffic from 9:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
All closures are subject to change due to weather, emergency work, or other circumstances.
All closures are subject to change due to weather, emergency work, or other circumstances.
The City of Corpus Christi will install weigh-in-motion sensors on Ocean Drive between Baycliff Drive and Born Street on March 26 and March 27.
TXDOT maintenance crews have two projects scheduled this week that will require lane closures.
Work zone safety is a priority. Motorists are advised to slow down, follow posted speed limits, pay attention, watch out for workers, obey signs and flaggers, and allow additional travel time for delays.
Street closures along major City streets impacting motorists and pedestrians.
The work, causing various lane closures from McArdle Road to SPID, was expected to be completed by Wednesday evening. However, unforeseen delays added time to the work time.
Motorists are advised to slow down, follow posted speed limits, pay attention, watch out for workers, obey signs and flaggers, and allow additional travel time for delays.
Motorists are advised to slow down, follow posted speed limits, pay attention, watch out for workers, obey signs and flaggers, and allow additional travel time for delays.
Work zone safety is a priority. Motorists are advised to slow down, follow posted speed limits and pay attention.
Increasing requirements for new construction and street repairs will increase the longevity of City streets and protect taxpayer investment.
Funding for the project comes from the unreserved fund balance in the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) #2 Fund.
If you have any questions or concerns, contact the Street Department at (361) 595-8040 option #2.